Monday 12 September 2011

Being a Vancitizen Makes Me Smile!

Ok - so I work at this totally amazing place called Vancity Credit Union!  One thing that we stand for is helping our community.  Over the weekend I got to help both my home community - the North Shore and the Employee Community at Vancity.

My Community - The North Shore

A couple of us at work - Erin Robinson and myself - organized a clothing collection for the North Shore Neighbourhood House.  The collection is going towards their Fall Girly Bling and Fashion Fling.  This looks like it is going to be a great event so if you're looking for something to do on Saturday, September 17 why not check it out?  Anyways after filling my car completely full with clothes that Vancity HR had donated, (and there are seriously some fashionista's in HR that I wish I could make the sale to get some of their great clothes), my mom and I dropped to clothes off to the North Shore Neighbourhood house.  My Car was full!

Wow!  Look at all of the contributions from Vancity HR for the North Shore Neighbourhood House
We filled the organizers office with clothes at the North Shore Neighbourhood House
Vancitizens Helping Vancitizens
Today I was lucky enough to help with the greening of the Vancity Centre roof.  I have been working on this project team for approximately a year and a half now and today we began to plant!  As pictures speak louder than words here are a few samples.

The Roof Prior to Greening
Another shot of the roof before Greening

Empty Planter boxes and Removed |Pavers

First task - fill the planter boxes!

This Planter Box is Full!

Kristina Brings us Plants

Wow - Look at all of those Plants!
Even the Garden Gnome is Getting in on the Shoveling

Tara and Sue fill the planter box - look at that HR teamwork!

HR Break Time!

HR Break Time Continued...

Plants and a Full Planter Box
Uh-oh - What is this Gnome Doing with a Jigsaw?!

Don't worry - Kristina and Drew rescued the Jigsaw from the Gnome
and are cutting the Plants with Great Precision
Vince lifts in Panels of the Greenroof

Drain Feature

The Gnome has a Place to Play on the Greenroof - finally!
The Remaining Plants Guarded by our Gnome
Jennifer Tan and Vince Lift in The Last Panel at Last!
The Somewhat Finished Product

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