Tuesday 6 September 2011

Day 5 - Family Hike

I have resolved to do something active everyday to ensure that I

a) enjoy the beautiful weather
b) get back into tip top shape!

While on vacation there are no excuses!

On Labour Day Monday this meant taking James, Erica and mom on a "family" less Dad - who left Sunday night for India and probably wouldn't have come anyways and Kim who is stuck on a hill in New Zealand.

Hiking to Mystery Lake

The location for the hike was supposed to be Goldie Lake on Mt. Seymour.  We found the trail a little hard to locate from the maps and it was not well marked at the trail heads so we ended up hiking to Mystery Lake instead.

Mystery Lake: Length, 1.5 km. Suggested hiking time, 45 minutes. Elevation change, 180 metres. This popular summer trail begins at the north end of Parking Lot 4 and follows along the chairlift right-of-way to the lake. There are no fish in the lake but it is a refreshing swimming spot on a hot summer day. This is considered a moderate hike

Mystery Lake - Mount Seymour
According to the map there is a loop that goes past Mystery Lake and then loops back down to the parking lot.  Once we found the trail we headed in the direction in the map. About half an hour past the lake we came across a minor obstacle however...
After encountering the snow we decided we better head back - despite the guy passing us in sandals and stating - Oh I do this everyday it's just a little bit of snow!  Sheesh some people are crazy!

After hiking back to the lake we were somewhat exhausted but we pushed on as we were also starving and had only brought blackberry muffins to snack on.

The way down was about as treacherous as the way up.  The Mount Seymour website describes this as a "moderate" hike.  I would say it was quite difficult and we definitely got a work out!

Mom and James attempt to traverse the rugged terrain
Mom shows points to the trail we just walked down
I try out some freestyle rock climbing!

After finally making it back to the parking lot after 2 hours we decided to treat ourselves to lunch at Calvin's Cafe.  I didn't know that the cafe had moved to Mount Seymour Road at Mount Seymour Parkway from Dundarave but was happy to try it in this new location.  The food was delicious! I had a Swiss Melt which included ham, emmental and white wine toasted in an open faced sandwich.

Swiss Melt from Calvin's Cafe
What a great day!  A hike with the famdamily and a delicious lunch to round it off! 

Today's Lesson: Take the time to enjoy the people you love!  It shows that you love them back!

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