Wednesday 7 September 2011

Day 5.5 and Day 6 - Economics and The Upcoming Economic Forecast

Yesterday I went to class for Kim as she is still stranded on a hill in Christchurch and won't be home until Friday.  The class that I was so lucky to attend was ECON 305 - Intermediate Macroeconomics with Dr. Geoffrey Dunbar.  The class began an intro to Macroeconomics discussing GDP, Inflation and the current economic world order.  It was interesting but when he said "You will need calculus for this class" I knew that this was definitely Kim's area of expertise and I was relieved I wasn't taking it.

My visit to SFU - the source of some free stuff
To follow this educational experience and start to get my head back into Comp thinking, this morning I attended the Hay Group Executive Briefing - Compensation Trends for 2012. This was the usual interesting information including a brief look at the current economic state in Canada vs. the US and the salary increases by industry and region both in actual cash and structures.

Other than learning about economics and economics forecasts I have been lounging by the pool and reading Sarah's Key by Tatiana de Rosnay. I guess my choice for leisure over work at present is pretty high ;-)

Today's Lesson: Buy Low Sell High!

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