Tuesday 20 September 2011

San Fran Day 2

What better way to start a Saturday then with a great breakfast? After a brief hatred of all things "breakfasty" other than hashbrowns, I now consider myself something of a breakfast connoisseur!

On Saturday morning we went out for breakfast with Mike and Ursula and their friends Lori and John. The breakfast was big ( my first real exposure to American portions on this trip) and quiet good. The hashbrowns were shredded and perfectly toasted. I had a Belgian waffle which, although, not as good as Uncle John's was very delicious! It came with blueberries and whipped cream -yum!

After breakfast we ventured into the city. We went with Auntie Elaine and Uncle Steven to the de Young museum.

We were lucky that uncle Steven and Auntie Elaine came with us because we were able to get tickets to the Picasso exhibit. This was a collection of Picasso's works on loan from the Musee National Picasso in Paris.

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